The Trader's Mind I - The Trading Contradiction

来自BPAX Lab

The Trader's Mind I - The Trading Contradiction

One of the real contradiction traders face is that the forces that attract people to trading are exactly what make them lose in trading.

For most traders, trading is attractive because they can:

  • Make a lot of money
  • Get rich quickly
  • Have the best commute
  • Make a good living trading only 2 hrs every day.
  • Live anywhere
  • No bosses or employees needed
  • Be unaffected by economy, political shifts, natural disasters, etc.
  • No hard assets, office space, etc needed.Do you want to have an income in the top 10% working for yourself two hours from your home while you can browse the computer? Well, who wouldn't?

Lets step back a moment and see how someone outside the trading world may evaluate these criteria:

  • Make a lot of money - greedy
  • Get rich quickly - impatient
  • You have the best commute - lazy
  • Make a good living trading only 2 hrs every day. - super lazy
  • Live anywhere - mercurial
  • No bosses or employees needed - poor social skills
  • Be unaffected by economy, political shifts, natural disasters, etc. - fearful
  • No hard assets, office space, etc needed. - unattached.As you can see, the worst developed personalities are naturally attracted to trading and its no wonder that 80% of traders lose everything they ever put into trading. To be successful, you need to fight the very qualities that brought you to trading in the first place. This is the contradiction that traders face on the very first day that they begin to trade.

This is how each of the above qualities impacts your trading:

  • Greedy - Makes you stay in a winning trade too long until it becomes a loser.
  • Impatient - Forces trades, enter too early on poor signals
  • Lazy - does not work on improving one's understanding of the market and trading system.
  • Mercurial - Emotional trading, revenge trading, chasing price with every turn.
  • Poor social skills - Inability to learn from the experiences of other traders
  • Fearful - Cant take trades, exit trades too early, unable to hold through a pullback
  • Unattached - Jump from trading system to trading system whenever current system gives a bad dayI know of no single trader who started without at least half of these afflictions.

Once you acknowledge that just choosing to be a trader automatically sets you up for failure, you have the opportunity to amend the very qualities that brought you to trading and modify yourself to be the very opposite and thus be successful. 交易者面临的真正矛盾之一是,吸引人们进行交易的力量恰恰是导致他们在交易中失败的原因。 对于大多数交易者来说,交易很有吸引力,因为他们可以:

  • 赚很多钱
  • 迅速致富
  • 拥有最好的通勤体验。
  • 每天只交易2小时,过上好生活。
  • 随时随地生活
  • 不需要老板或员工。
  • 不受经济、政治变化、自然灾害等影响。
  • 不需要硬资产、办公空间等。



  • 赚很多钱 - 贪婪
  • 追求快速致富 - 不耐烦
  • 你有最好的通勤方式 - 懒散。
  • 每天只交易2小时,也能过上好生活。- 超级懒惰
  • 随时随地 - 善变
  • 不需要老板或员工 - 社交技能差
  • 不受经济、政治变化、自然灾害等影响 - 恐惧
  • 不需要硬资产、办公空间等 - 无附属。



  • 贪婪 - 让你在赢利的交易中停留太久,直到它变成亏损。
  • 不耐烦 - 强制交易,过早进入不良信号
  • 懒惰 - 不努力提高对市场和交易系统的理解。
  • 情绪不稳 - 情绪交易,报复性交易,追逐每一个价格波动。
  • 社交技能差 - 无法从其他交易者的经验中学习
  • 害怕 - 无法进行交易,过早退出交易,无法在回撤中持有。
  • 不固定 - 当当前交易系统出现不好的一天时,跳到另一个交易系统。
