
来自BPAX Lab

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100M 100 bar simple moving average, institutions watch 50, 100, 150, and 200 day and week simple moving averages 100条简单移动平均线,机构观察50、100、150和200日和周简单移动平均线
100MA 100 bar simple moving average, institutions watch 50, 100, 150, and 200 day and week simple moving averages 100条简单移动平均线,机构观察50、100、150和200日和周简单移动平均线
100MD 100 day simple moving average 100天简单移动平均线
10M Middle third of the day from 9:30 or 10 am PST to 11:30 often enters tight trading range 上午9:30或10点至11:30的中间三分之一时间,经常进入紧张的交易区间
13T 13 Tick Trap. Trader entering with stop order usually needs 14 ticks to make 3 points. Stopping at 13 ticks traps traders just shy of goal. Many will exit, sometimes creating reversal. 13点陷阱。带着止损单进入的交易者通常需要14个点来赚取3个点。在13个点位止损会使交易者离目标不远。许多人将退出,有时会产生反转。
150M 150 bar simple moving average, institutions watch 50, 100, 150, and 200 day and week simple moving averages 150条简单移动平均线,机构观察50、100、150和200日和周简单移动平均线
150MA 150 bar simple moving average, institutions watch 50, 100, 150, and 200 day and week simple moving averages 150条简单移动平均线,机构观察50、100、150和200日和周简单移动平均线
150MD 150 day simple moving average 150天简单移动平均线
15MA 15 minute 20 bar moving average plotted on 5 minute chart 15分钟20条移动平均线绘制在5分钟图上
16T 16 Ticks
17T 17 Tick Trap. Trader entering with stop order usually needs 18 ticks to make 4 points. Stopping at 17 ticks traps traders just shy of goal. Many will exit, sometimes creating reversal. 17点陷阱。带止损单入场的交易者通常需要18个点才能赚到4个点。在17个点位止损会使交易者离目标不远。许多人将退出,有时会产生反转。
18B 18 Bar range 18根K线范围
18BD Breakout Below 18 bar range so 80% chance will not rally to new high of day, and 90% chance of range is big 突破18条K线区间,所以80%的机会不会反弹到当天的新高,90%的机会是区间大。
18BO Breakout of range of 1st 18 bars 突破前18条K线的范围
18BOD Breakout Below 18 bar range so 80% chance will not rally to new high of day, and 90% chance of range is big 突破18条K线区间,所以80%的机会不会反弹到当天的新高,90%的机会是区间大。
18BODF Failed breakout below the low of the 1st 18 bars, Always In bears should exit, but probably only minor reversal up, only 20% chance of new high of day 突破前18根柱子的低点失败,总是在熊市应该退出,但可能只是向上的小反转,只有20%的机会出现当天的新高。
18BOU BreakOut Above 18 bar range so 80% chance will not fall to new low of day, and 90% chance of range is big 突破18条区间,所以80%的机会不会跌到当天的新低,90%的机会区间很大。
18BOUF Failed breakout above the high of the 1st 18 bars, Always In Bulls should exit, but probably only minor reversal down, only 20% chance of new low of day 未能突破前18条的高点,永远是牛市应该退出,但可能只是小幅反转下跌,只有20%的机会出现当天的新低。
18BU Breakout Above 18 bar range so 80% chance will not fall to new low of day, and 90% chance of range is big 突破18条区间,所以80%的机会不会跌到当天的新低,90%的机会区间很大。
18T 18 Ticks
1BFF One Bar Final Flag 一条K线最终旗形
1H 1 Hour 1小时
1LD First Leg Down 第一条腿下来
1LU First Leg Up 第一条腿站上去
1MLD strong enough bear breakout for at least One More small Leg Down 足够强大的熊市突破,至少还有一个小段的下跌。
1MLU strong enough bull breakout for at least One More small Leg Up 足够强大的牛市突破,至少还有一个小规模的上升。
1P First Pause or Pullback in a strong trend 强势趋势中的第一次停顿或回撤
1T 1 Tick
200M 200 bar simple moving average, institutions watch 50, 100, 150, and 200 day and week simple moving averages 200条简单移动平均线,机构观察50、100、150和200日和周简单移动平均线
200MA 200 bar simple moving average, institutions watch 50, 100, 150, and 200 day and week simple moving averages 200条简单移动平均线,机构观察50、100、150和200日和周简单移动平均线
200MD 200 day simple moving average 200天简单移动平均线
20GB Twenty Gap Bars, about 20 consecutive bars that have not touched the moving average 20个缺口条,大约20个没有触及移动平均线的连续条。
20GB50BL No pullback to EMA in 1st 50 bars so expect at least 3 bars will low below EMA by around 11 am PST and then test of high of day 前50根K线没有回撤到EMA,所以预计至少有3根柱子会在北京时间上午11点左右低于EMA,然后测试当天的高点。
20GB50BR No pullback to EMA in 1st 50 bars so expect at least 3 bars will high above EMA by around 11 am PST and then test of low of day 前50根柱子没有回撤到EMA,所以预计至少有3根柱子会在北京时间上午11点左右高过EMA,然后测试当天的低点。
20GBB 20 Gap Bar Buy setup. After about 20 or more bars above the exponential moving average, bulls will look to buy a pullback to the exponential moving average 20个缺口条买入设置。在指数移动平均线之上大约20个或更多的柱状物之后,多头将寻求买入回撤到指数移动平均线的位置。
20GBS 20 Gap Bar Sell setup. After about 20 or more bars below the exponential moving average bears will look to sell a pullback to the exponential moving average 20个缺口的卖出设置。在指数移动平均线以下大约20个或更多的条形图后,熊市将寻求卖出回撤到指数移动平均线的机会。
2BR Two Bar Reversal 双K反转
2E Second Entry 第二条
2EB Second buy signal or strong Enough bull to breakout to Buy 第二个买入信号或足够强大的牛市,可以突破到买入。
2ES Second sell signal or strong Enough bear to breakout to Sell 第二个卖出信号或足够强大的熊市,以突破卖出。
2H 2 Hour 2小时
2HM Two hours from moving average 距离移动平均线两小时
2LBLTP Second Leg Bull Trap is big bull breakout that quickly reverses down, trapping bulls who hoped for bull trend, but now either trading range or bear trend reversal 第二段牛市陷阱是指大牛市突破后迅速反转下跌,将希望获得牛市趋势的多头困住,但现在要么是交易范围,要么是熊市趋势反转。
2LBRTP Second Leg Bear Trap is big bear breakout that quickly reverses up, trapping bears who hoped for bear trend, but now either trading range or bull trend reversal 第二腿熊市陷阱是指大熊市突破后迅速反转上升,困住了希望熊市趋势的熊市,但现在要么是交易范围,要么是牛市趋势反转。
2LD Two Legs Down or Second Leg Down 两条腿倒下或第二条腿向下
2LS 2nd leg was sideways 第二条腿是横向的
2LSD Two Legs Sideways or Down 两条腿侧向或向下
2LSU Two Legs Sideways or Up 两条腿侧向或向上
2LSW 2nd leg was sideways 第二条腿是横向的
2LT Second Leg Trap so possible failed breakout and reversal 第二条腿的陷阱,所以可能的突破失败和反转
2LU Two Legs Up or Second Leg Up 两条腿站起来或第二条腿站起来
2S Second Signal 第二个信号
2SB Second Signal Buy 第二个信号买入
2SS Second Signal Sell 第二卖出信号
2T 2 Ticks
3EB Third Entry Buy 第三次进入做多
3ES Third Entry Sell 第三次进场做空
3H 3 Hour 3小时
3LD Third Leg Down so possible wedge bottom 第三条腿向下,所以可能是楔形底
3LU Third Leg Up so possible wedge top 第三条腿了,所以可能是楔形顶
3T 3 Ticks
40M Bars 40 and 41 are middle of day and there is often a reversal or a breakout around 40 or 41 第40条和第41条是白天的中间部分,在第40条或第41条附近往往会出现反转或突破的情况。
41M Bars 40 and 41 are middle of day and there is often a reversal or a breakout around 40 or 41 第40条和第41条是白天的中间部分,在第40条或第41条附近往往会出现反转或突破的情况。
41T 41 Tick Trap. Trader entering with stop order usually needs 42 ticks to make 10 points. Stopping at 41 ticks traps traders just shy of goal. Many will exit, sometimes creating reversal. 41点陷阱。带着止损单进入的交易者通常需要42个点来赚取10个点。在41点处止损使交易者离目标不远。许多人将退出,有时会产生反转。
4D Four consecutive bear bars and is therefore too strong for a long 连续四根熊棒,因此对长线来说太强了。
4H 4 Hour 4小时
4T 4 Ticks
4U Four consecutive bull bars and is therefore too strong for a short 连续四条牛市,因此对空头来说太强了。
50M 50 bar simple moving average, institutions watch 50, 100, 150, and 200 day and week simple moving averages 50条简单移动平均线,机构观察50、100、150和200日和周简单移动平均线
50MA 50 bar simple moving average, institutions watch 50, 100, 150, and 200 day and week simple moving averages 50条简单移动平均线,机构观察50、100、150和200日和周简单移动平均线
50MD 50 day simple moving average 50天简单移动平均线
50P 50% Pullback 50%的回撤
5H 5 Hour 5小时
5T 5 Tick Trap. Trader entering with stop order usually needs 6 ticks to make 1 point. Stopping at 5 ticks traps traders just shy of goal. Many will exit, sometimes creating reversal.
60M 60 minute bar or chart 60分钟条形图或图表
60MA 60 minute 20 bar Exponential Moving Average 60分钟20条指数移动平均线
60MC 60 Minute Chart 60分钟图
6H 6 Hour
6T 6 Ticks
99BL 99.5% chance of at least 3 bars with low at least 1 tick below Moving Average at some point today, and then usually soon afterwards get buy signal and new high of day 今天有99.5%的机会出现至少3根柱子,其低点至少比移动平均线低1个点,然后通常很快得到买入信号和当天的新高。
99BR 99.5% chance of at least 3 bars with high at least 1 tick above Moving Average at some point today, and then usually soon afterwards get sell signal and new low of day 今天有99.5%的机会至少有3个柱子的高点至少高于移动平均线1个点,然后通常很快就会得到卖出信号和当天的新低。
9T 9 Tick Trap. Trader entering with stop order usually needs 10 ticks to make 2 points. Stopping at 9 ticks traps traders just shy of goal. Many will exit, sometimes creating reversal. 9点陷阱。带着止损单进入的交易者通常需要10个点来赚取2个点。在9个点上止损会使交易者离目标不远。许多人将退出,有时会产生反转。
? Possible 可能的
A1D At least One more small leg Down 至少还有一条小腿下来
A1U At least One more small leg Up 至少还有一条小腿上去
A2 A two legged PullBack to the Exponential Moving Average in a trend 趋势中对指数移动平均线的两脚拉回
A22 A second entry in a two legged Pullback to the Exponential Moving Average in a trend 趋势中两脚回撤至指数移动平均线的第二次进场
AI Always In 始终在场
AIA Always In Aggressive trader, takes every reversal, about 10 per day 始终在积极的交易者,采取每一个反转,每天大约10个。
AIBL Always In long Bulls 总是在长牛市
AIBLB Always In Bulls Buy again above bull bar closing near its high 始终在牛市中,在牛市收盘时在其高点附近再次买入。
AIBLBA Always In Bulls Buy again above bull bar closing near its high 始终在牛市中,在牛市收盘时在其高点附近再次买入。
AIBLE Always In Bulls can Exit below bear bar closing below its midpoint, if they are concerned about risk, and buy again above bull bar 如果担心风险,牛市可以在熊市中点以下收盘时退出,并在牛市上方再次买入。
AIBLE4 Always In Bulls can Exit about 4 ticks or half of an average bar range below bar with small bull or bear body if concerned about risk. Can always buy again above next bull bar closing near its high. 如果担心风险,可以在牛市中退出约4个点或平均条形区间的一半,在小牛市或熊市的条形下方退出。可以随时在下一个牛市收盘时在其高点附近再次买入。
AIBR Always In short Bears 始终在
AIBRE Always In Bears can Exit above bull bar closing above its midpoint, if they are concerned about risk, and sell again below bear bar 总是在熊市中,如果他们担心风险,可以在牛市收盘时在其中点以上退出,并在熊市收盘时再次卖出。
AIBRE4 Always In Bears can Exit about 4 ticks or half of an average bar range above bar with small bear or bull body if concerned about risk. Can always sell again below next bear bar closing near its low. 在熊市中,如果担心风险,可以在小熊或小牛体的柱子上方退出大约4个点或平均柱状范围的一半。可以随时在下一个熊市条形收盘时在其低点附近再次卖出。
AIBRS Always In Bears Sell again below bear bar closing near its low 始终在熊市中,在熊市条形收盘时,在其低点附近再次卖出。
AIBRSA Always In Bears Sell again below bear bar closing near its low 始终在熊市中,在熊市条形收盘时,在其低点附近再次卖出。
AIC Always In Conservative trader, only takes the strongest reversals, about 2-5 per day 始终是保守的交易者,只接受最强的反转,每天大约2-5次。
AIL Always In Long 始终在长
AIS Always In Short
AMPST am Pacific Standard Time 太平洋标准时间上午
APSBL Average entry Price for Scale in BuLls
APSBR Average entry Price for Scale in BeaRs
AR Actual Risk 实际风险
ASPT At Some Point Today 在今天的某个时刻
ATH All Time High 历史新高
ATM At the Money option strike price 货币期权执行价格
ATRI Apex of Triangle or trading range so Breakout Mode 三角形或交易区间的顶点,所以是突破模式
B Buy or Long, depending on context 买入或做多,视情况而定
B18 Often get Breakout or reversal between bars 16 to 18 常常在第16至18条之间获得突破或反转。
B2 Better to wait for a 2nd buy signal or for a strong bull breakout, which means 2 or 3 bull bars closing near their highs; or, need wide stop and better if can scale in. 最好是等待第二个买入信号,或者等待强劲的牛市突破,这意味着有2到3个牛市柱子在高点附近收盘;或者,需要宽泛的止损,如果能扩大规模则更好。
BA Buy Above or probably buyers at the high of the bar 买入高于或可能是买方在高位的k线
BAG Breakaway Gap, the first gap of any kind after a trend reversal, only certain in hindsight 突破缺口,趋势逆转后的第一个缺口,只有在事后才能确定。
BB Buy Below, or probably buyers at the low of the bar and scaling in lower 在下面买入,或者可能是在条形图的低点买入,并在更低的位置扩大规模。
BB2 Better to wait for a 2nd buy signal or for a strong bull breakout, which means 2 or 3 bull bars closing near their highs; or, need wide stop and better if can scale in. 最好是等待第二个买入信号,或者等待强劲的牛市突破,这意味着有2到3个牛市柱子在高点附近收盘;或者,需要宽泛的止损,如果能扩大规模则更好。
BBBL Better to Buy above Bull bar closing near its high 最好在牛市收盘时在其高点附近买入
BBBR Big Bar or Bars so Big Risk. If you take the trade, trade small enough position size so that the risk of the trade is no bigger than on any other trade. Emini traders can trade micro Emini 大棒或小棒所以风险大。如果你进行交易,交易的仓位规模要足够小,这样交易的风险就不会比其他交易的风险大。Emini交易者可以交易微型Emini
BBE Breakeven, which means exiting around entry price with small profit or loss 盈亏平衡,这意味着以小的利润或损失在入市价附近出场
BBL Big Bull bar 大阳线
BBLB Big Bull Bar 大阳线
BBLB20 Biggest Bull bar or bars in over 20 bars so possible bull exhaustion gap. 60% chance of either end of rally or one more brief leg up and then end of rally. 在超过20个柱子中,最大的牛市柱子或柱子,所以可能是牛市的衰竭缺口。60%的机会是反弹结束,或者再来一次短暂的上涨,然后结束反弹。
BBLBC Big Bull Bar Closing near its high 大阳线在高点附近收盘
BBLBIR Big Bull Bar so Increased Risk
BBLBL Biggest Bull bar or bars Late in bull trend so possible exhaustion gap. 60% chance this is end of buy climax, but 60% chance one more brief leg up before 2 legs down. Many bulls will take profits and some bears will sell the close for a scalp. 在牛市趋势中,最大的一个或多个牛栏是在牛市趋势的后期,所以可能会出现衰竭缺口。60%的机会是买入高潮的结束,但60%的机会是在两次下跌之前还有一次短暂的上涨。许多牛市会获利,一些熊市会在收盘时卖出以换取头皮。
BBLC Big Bull Bar Closing near its high
BBLCH Broad Bull Channel
BBLL Biggest Bull bar or bars Late in bull trend so possible exhaustion gap. 60% chance this is end of buy climax, but 60% chance one more brief leg up before 2 legs down. Many bulls will take profits and some bears sell the close for a scalp. 在牛市趋势中,最大的一个或多个牛栏是在牛市趋势的后期,所以可能会出现衰竭缺口。60%的机会是买入高潮的结束,但60%的机会是在两次下跌之前还有一次短暂的上涨。许多牛市会获利,一些熊市会在收盘时卖出以换取头皮。
BBLMC Bar Bull Micro Channel 杠杠牛微通道
BBLO Better to Buy with Limit Orders below bars than stop orders above 在条形图下方用限价单买入比在上方用止损单买入更好。
BBLPT Bigger bull bar after about 4 Buy the Close bars will attract profit taking soon, so better to buy pullback instead of buying the close, else need wide stop 约4个买入收盘条后的大牛市很快就会吸引获利了结,所以最好买入回撤而不是买入收盘,否则需要宽幅止损。
BBLT Big Bull bar so big risk, top of Tight trading range so lower probability and possibly sellers above 大牛市,所以风险大,紧张交易区间的顶部,所以概率低,上面可能有卖家。
BBP Better to Buy PullBack than to buy at the high since not strong bull trend 买入回撤比在高位买入更好,因为没有强劲的牛市趋势
BBPB Better to Buy PullBack than to buy at the high since not strong bull trend 买入回撤比在高位买入更好,因为没有强劲的牛市趋势
BBR Big Bear bar 大阴线
BBRB Big Bear Bar 大阴线
BBRB20 Biggest Bear bar or bars in over 20 bars so possible bear exhaustion gap. 60% chance of either end of selloff or one more brief leg down and then end of selloff. 在超过20个小节中,最大的熊市小节或小节,所以可能是熊市的衰竭缺口。60%的可能性是下跌结束,或者再来一次短暂的下跌,然后结束下跌。
BBRBC Big Bear Bar Closing near its low 大阴线在其低点附近收盘
BBRBIR Big Bear Bar so increased risk
BBRBL Biggest Bear bar or bars Late in bear trend so possible exhaustion gap. 60% chance this is end of sell climax, but 60% chance one more brief leg down before 2 legs up. Many bears will take profits and some bulls will buy the close for a scalp. 最大的熊棒或熊棒 在熊市趋势中的后期,所以可能出现疲惫的缺口。60%的机会是卖出高潮的结束,但60%的机会是在两次上涨之前再有一个短暂的下跌。许多熊市将获利了结,一些牛市将在收盘时买入以剥头皮。
BBRC Big Bear Bar Closing near its low 大阴线在其低点附近收盘
BBRCH Broad Bear Channel 宽幅下降通道
BBRL Biggest Bear bar or bars Late in bear trend so possible exhaustion gap. 60% chance this is end of sell climax, but 60% chance one more brief leg down before 2 legs up. Many bears will take profits and some bulls buy the close for a scalp. 最大的熊棒或熊棒 在熊市趋势中的后期,所以可能出现疲惫的缺口。60%的可能性是卖出高潮的结束,但60%的可能性是在两次上涨之前还有一次短暂的下跌。许多熊市会获利了结,一些牛市会在收盘时买入以剥头皮。
BBRMC Bar Bear Micro Channel 阴线微通道
BBRPT Bigger bear bar after about 4 Sell the Close bars will attract profit taking soon so better to sell pullback instead of selling the close, else need wide stop 在大约4个卖出收盘条之后的大熊棒将很快吸引获利,所以最好卖出回撤而不是卖出收盘,否则需要宽幅止损。
BBRT Big Bear bar so big risk, bottom of Tight trading range so lower probability and possibly buyers below 大熊棒,所以风险大,紧缩交易区间的底部,所以概率低,可能是下面的买家。
BBS Bulls will scale in lower, bears will scale in higher 牛市将以较低的规模出现,熊市将以较高的规模出现。
BBSA Buyers Below, Sellers Above 买家在下面,卖家在上面
BBSB Bad Buy Signal Bar, so some bears scale in higher, expecting pullback to below high of bar, which is magnet 糟糕的买入信号条,因此一些熊市的规模较高,预计将回撤到条形高点以下,这是磁铁。
BC Broad Channel 宽广的通道
BD Bars Down 下降K线
BDBU Big Down, Big Up 大跌,大涨
BDBUC Big Down, Big Up, big Confusion so trading range likely 大跌,大涨,大混乱,所以交易区间可能会出现。
BDBUTR Big down + big up = big confusion = TradingRange likely 大跌+大涨=大混乱=交易范围可能
BDG Body Gap, less reliable than true gap but still reasonable Measuring Gap 身体间隙,不如真实间隙可靠,但仍然合理 测量间隙
BDGD Body Gap Down, Gap above highest body of this pullback and lowest body of the breakout point 主体缺口向下,缺口高于本次回调的最高主体和突破点的最低主体
BDGDC The body of this reversal up bar overlaps the body of the lowest body of the breakout point. The body gap down is now closed. The bear trend has probably ended and the chart is now either in a trading range or a bull trend. 这个反转上升柱的主体与突破点的最低主体重合。跌落的主体缺口现在已经关闭。熊市趋势可能已经结束,图表现在要么处于交易范围,要么处于牛市趋势。
BDGU Body Gap Up, Gap below lowest body of this pullback and highest body of the breakout point 主体缺口向上,缺口低于本次回调的最低主体和突破点的最高主体
BDGUC The body of this reversal down bar overlaps the body of the highest body of the breakout point. The body gap up is now closed. The bull trend has probably ended and the chart is now either in a trading range or a bear trend.
BDUC Big Down, big Up, big Confusion so trading range likely
BDUDC Big Down, big Up, big Confusion so trading range likely
BE Breakeven, which means exiting around entry price with small profit or loss
BELO Better to Enter with Limit Order
BFD Strong Bear Breakout and Follow-through so more Down
BFF Bar Final Flag
BFU Strong Bull Breakout and Follow-through so more Up
BG Buying
BGD Big Gap Down so 80% chance of at least one reversal in first hour. The bears want a double top or wedge top on a pullback to near the EMA. The bulls want a double bottom or wedge bottom for an early low of the day.
BGDC Body Gap Down Closed, which means the close of the bar was above the close of the lowest body in the breakout point, reducing the chance of lower prices
BGP Buying Pressure
BGU Big Gap Up so 80% chance of at least one reversal in the first hour. The bulls want a double bottom or wedge bottom on a pullback to near the EMA. The bears want a double top or wedge top for an early high of the day.
BGUC Body Gap Up Closed, which means the close of the bar was below the close of the highest body in the breakout point, reducing the chance of higher prices
BKE Breakeven, which means exiting around entry price with small profit or loss
BL Bull or Bulls
BLB Bull Body
BLBC Bull Bar Closing near its high
BLBCH Bull Bar Closing near its High
BLBO Bull Breakout
BLBOM Bull breakout but probably minor, which means probably a scalp lasting 1 - 5 bars
BLBS Bull Bars
BLCH Bull Channel
BLD Bull Doji
BLE Bulls Exit below
BLF Bull Flag
BLMC Bull Micro Channel, every low at or above low of prior bar
BLO In tight trading range or tight channel, Better to enter with Limit Orders
BLR Bull Reversal
BLRB Bull Reversal Bar
BLRVD Bull Reversal Day, which is a day that sold off and then reversed up and closed near its high
BLSC Bull Scalpers
BLSH Buy Low Sell High
BLSHS Buy Low, Sell High, and Scalp
BLT Bull Trend
BLTD Bull Trend Day
BLTP Bull Trap, failed bull breakout
BLTR probably Bull leg in Trading Range and not in bull trend
BO Breakout
BOF strong Break Out with good Follow-through
BOM Breakout Mode means trading range. About 50% chance successful breakout up or down, and then about a measured move based on the height of trading range. 50% chance 1st breakout up or down will reverse.
BOP Break Out Point, which is the price that the current breakout broke beyond
BOPBL Breakout Point for the current rally. The current rally had a bull breakout. That means it broke above a prior high, which is the breakout point. It often gets tested and is therefore a magnet below
BOPBR Breakout Point for the current selloff. The current selloff had a bear breakout. That means it broke below a prior low, which is the breakout point. It often gets tested and is therefore a magnet above
BOT BreakOut Test, which is a pullback testing the breakout point, and traders are deciding if the breakout will succeed or fail
BOUD Breakout Up or Down
BP Breakout Pullback
BPS Breakout Pullbacks
BR Bear or Bears
BRA Probably buyers above
BRB Bear Body
BRBC Bear Bar Closing near its low
BRBCL Bear Bar Closing near its Low
BRBO Bear Breakout
BRBOM Bear breakout but probably minor, which means probably a scalp lasting 1 - 5 bars
BRBS Bear Bars
BRCH Bear Channel 下降通道
BRD Bear Doji
BRE Bears Exit above
BRF Bear Flag
BRMC Bear Micro Channel, every high at or below high of prior bar
BRN Big Round Number like 2100, 2200
BRR Bear Reversal
BRRB Bear Reversal Bar
BRRVD Bear Reversal Day, which is a day that rallied, but sold off and closed bear its low
BRS Buyers
BRSC Bear Scalpers
BRT Bear Trend
BRTD Bear Trend Day
BRTP Bear Trap, failed bear breakout
BRTR probably Bear leg in Trading Range and not in bear trend
BRVD Big Reversal Down so at least small 2nd leg down likely
BRVU Big Reversal UP so at least small 2nd leg up likely
BSB Buy Signal Bar
BSBD Buy Signal Bar on Daily chart
BSBM Buy Signal Bar on Monthly chart
BSBR Better to Sell below Bear bar closing near its low
BSBW Buy Signal Bar on Weekly chart
BSLO Better to Sell with Limit Orders above bars than stop orders below
BSP Better to Sell PullBack, which means a bounce, than to sell at the low since not strong bear trend
BSPB Better to Sell PullBack, which means a bounce, than to sell at the low since not strong bear trend
BSSB Bad Sell Signal Bar, so some bulls scale in lower, expecting pullback to above low of bar, which is magnet
BT Breakout Test or Bought, depending on context
BTC Buy The Close bull trend so traders will buy the close of bull bar closing near its high or buy above bull bar that closes near its high
BTCBL Buy The Close Bulls
BTCE Buy the Close rally until the End of day
BTH Buy The High bull trend is a series of bull bars closing near their highs, and bulls will buy with a stop 1 tick above the high of the prior bar, and exit below a bear bar closing below its midpoint or 1 - 2 points below any bar
BTs Breakout Tests
BTTR Bar Tight Trading Range
BTW Better To Wait for better combination of probability, risk, and reward
BU Bars Up
BUBD Big Up, Big Down
BUBDC Big Up, Big Down, big Confusion so trading range likely
BUBDTR Big up + big down = big confusion = TradingRange likely
BUDC Big Up, big Down, big Confusion so trading range likely
BV Buy Vacuum test of resistance
BVT Buy Vacuum test of resistance
BW Barb Wire
BWB Better to Wait for a Breakout
BWBLB Bars without Bull bodies
BWBOUD Better to wait for a breakout up or down
BWBRB Bars without Bear bodies
BWH Better wait or hold[1]
BWSS Only B if using a Wide Stop, and better if can scale in lower
BWT Better Wait for Tomorrow
BX Buy Climax, one or more big bull bars closing near their highs
BXH Buy Climax High, high of buy climax bar or bars
BXL Buy Climax Low, Low of buy climax bar or bars
BXS Buy Climaxes
BZ Buy Zone, an area where traders will look to buy
C Close
CAM Close Above Midpoint of the bar
CAMP Close Above Midpoint of the bar
CBM Close Below Midpoint of the bar
CBMP Close Below Midpoint of the bar
CBX Consecutive Buy Climax
CBXS Consecutive Buy Climaxes
CC consecutive
CCB Consecutive Bottoms
CCBBLB Consecutive Big Bull Bars so higher probability for bears to wait for 2nd sell signal
CCBBLBC Consecutive Big Bull Bars Closing near their highs makes at least a small 2nd leg up likely
CCBBLC Consecutive Big Bull Bars Closing near their highs makes at least a small 2nd leg up likely
CCBBRB Consecutive Big Bear Bars so higher probability for bulls to wait for 2nd buy signal
CCBBRBC Consecutive Big Bear Bars Closing near their lows makes at least a small 2nd leg down likely
CCBBRC Consecutive Big Bear Bars Closing near their lows makes at least a small 2nd leg down likely
CCBL Consecutive Bull Bars
CCBL1C Consecutive Bull bars with one closing near its high and with a big bull body so probably always in long
CCBLB Consecutive Bull Bars
CCBLB1C Consecutive Bull bars with one closing near its high and with a big bull body so probably always in long
CCBLBC Consecutive Bull Bars Closing near their highs makes at least a small 2nd leg up likely
CCBLBCM Consecutive bull bars closing above EMA and closing near their highs so probably will go higher and possible Buy The Close
CCBLC Consecutive Bull Bars Closing near their highs makes at least a small 2nd leg up likely
CCBR Consecutive Bear Bars
CCBR1C Consecutive Bear bars with one closing near its low and with a big bear body so probably always in short
CCBRB Consecutive Bear Bars
CCBRB1C Consecutive Bear bars with one closing near its low and with a big bear body so probably always in short
CCBRBC Consecutive Bear Bars Closing near their lows makes at least a small 2nd leg down likely
CCBRC Consecutive Bear Bars Closing near their lows makes at least a small 2nd leg down likely
CCCB Consecutive Complex Bottoms, which is a pair of bottoms where both have 2 or 3 legs down
CCCT Consecutive Complex Tops, which is a pair of tops where both have 2 or 3 legs up
CCT Consecutive Tops
CD Closed
CH Channel
CHB Cup and Handle Bull Flag, which is a pullback after bull reversal
CHD Cup and Handle Bear Flag, which is a pullback after bear reversal
CHS Cup and Handle Bear Flag, which is a pullback after bear reversal
CHU Cup and Handle Bull Flag, which is a pullback after bull reversal
CLM Close of Last Month
CLW Close of Last Week
CLY Close of Last Year
CM Close of Month
CMB Confusion comes from there being both a reasonable reason to buy and to sell. Traders need more information, which means more bars so at least small trading range. Better to wait for 2nd signal up or down or for strong breakout.
CNH Close Near High of bar
CNL Close Near Low of bar
COD Close of Day
COH Close On or near High of bar
COL Close On or near Low of bar
COLM Close of Last Month
COLW Close of Last Week
COM Close of Month
Context All of the bars to the left showing buying and selling pressure, support and resistance
COT Close of Today
COW Close of Week
COY Close of Yesterday
CS Closes
CSX Consecutive Sell Climax
CSXS Consecutive Sell Climaxes
CT Countertrend, against the trend of the past several bars or even of the entire day
CUPD Cup and Handle Bear Flag, which is a pullback after bear reversal
CUPH Cup and Handle is a reversal and then a pullback
CUPHD Cup and Handle Bear Flag, which is a pullback after bear reversal
CUPHU Cup and Handle Bull Flag, which is a pullback after bull reversal
CUPU Cup and Handle Bull Flag, which is a pullback after bull reversal
CW Close of Week
CY Close of Yesterday
DB Double Bottom, or two consecutive bars with identical lows
DBBF Double Bottom Bull Flag, so when bull buy signal bar, there is a 40% chance of a breakout above the recent swing high, which is the neck line of the DB, and a measured move up
DBBLF Double Bottom Bull Flag, so when bull buy signal bar, there is a 40% chance of a breakout above the recent swing high, which is the neck line of the DB, and a measured move up
DBHL Double Bottom Higher Low is a double bottom where the 2nd low is higher
DBL Disappointed Bulls, bulls who bought recent strong bull bar are disappointed and might sell out of their longs around the close of that bull bar, which could create micro double top and start reversal down
DBLE Bulls who bought are disappointed by bear body and might exit below
DBLL Double Bottom Lower Low is a double bottom where the 2nd low is lower
DBMTR Double Bottom Major Trend Reversal
DBPB Double Bottom Pullback means there is a pullback from a reversal up from a double bottom and bulls will buy above the pullback bar, especially if it closes near its high
DBR Disappointed Bears, bears who sold recent strong bear bar are disappointed and might buy back their shorts around the close of that bear bar, which could create micro double bottom and start reversal up
DBRE Bears who sold are disappointed by bull body and might exit above
DBS Double Bottoms, or two consecutive bars with identical lows
DBTC Disappointed Buy The Close Bulls
DBTCBE Disappointed Buy The Close Bulls might sell their longs around the highest close to exit around breakeven
DBTCBL Disappointed Buy The Close Bulls
DBTCBLBE Disappointed Buy The Close Bulls might sell their longs around the highest close to exit around breakeven
DBTCBLE Disappointed Buy The Close Bulls might sell their longs around the highest close to exit around breakeven
DD Doji, which is a bar with a small body and a close near the open
DDD Doji Day, which is a bar on the daily chart with a small body and a close near the open
DDIV Double Divergence
DDM Doji Month, which is a bar on the monthly chart with a small body and a close near the open
DDW Doji Week, which is a bar on the weekly chart with a small body and a close near the open
DFD Dominant Feature Down is exceptionally strong selloff. It will usually prevent a bull trend, even if there is a new high. It increases the chance of sideways to down for the rest of the day.
DFT Disappointing Follow-through so possible Trading range
DFU Dominant Feature Up is exceptionally strong rally. It will usually prevent a bear trend, even if there is a new low. It increases the chance of sideways to up for the rest of the day.
DIV Divergence
DL Dueling Lines
DP Double Top Pullback or Double Bottom Pull Back
DPS Double Top Pull Backs or Double Bottom Pull Backs
DSTC Disappointed Sell The Close Bears
DSTCBE Disappointed Sell The Close Bears might buy back their shorts around the lowest close to exit around breakeven
DSTCBR Disappointed Sell The Close Bears
DSTCBRBE Disappointed Sell The Close Bears might buy back their shorts around the lowest close to exit around breakeven
DSTCBRE Disappointed Sell The Close Bears might buy back their shorts around the lowest close to exit around breakeven
DT Double Top, or two consecutive bars with identical highs
DTBF Double Top Bear Flag, so when bear sell signal bar, there is a 40% chance of a breakout below the recent swing low, which is the neck line of the double top, and a measured move down.
DTBRF Double Top Bear Flag, so when bear sell signal bar, there is a 40% chance of a breakout below the recent swing low, which is the neck line of the double top, and a measured move down.
DTHH Double Top Higher High is a double top where the 2nd top is higher
DTLH Double Top Lower High is a double top where the 2nd top is lower
DTMTR Double Top Major Trend Reversal
DTPB Double Top Pullback means there is a reversal down from a double top and the bears will sell below the pullback bar, especially if it closes near its low
DTS Double Tops
EB Entry Bar
EBLT End of day Bull Trap
EBRT End of day Bear Trap
EBS Entry Bars
EBTC End of day Buy The Close bull trend
EG Exhaustion Gap, a gap at any kind at the end of a trend, just before a reversal (only certain in hindsight)
ELOM End of day Limit Order Market
EMA 20 bar Exponential Moving Average
EOD End of Day
EOM End of Month
EOW End of Week
EOY End Of Year
EP Endless Pullback
EPB Endless PullBack
EPBD Endless Pullback in a bull trend is a tight bear channel that never looks very bearish but can continue for hours
EPBU Endless Pullback in a bear trend is a tight bull channel that never looks very bullish but can continue for hours
EPD Endless Pullback in a bull trend is a tight bear channel that never looks very bearish but can continue for hours
EPTG End of day Profit Taking so possible reversal
EPU Endless Pullback in a bear trend is a tight bull channel that never looks very bullish but can continue for hours
ES Emini
ESP especially
ESTC End of day Sell the Close bear trend
ET Expanding Triangle
ETS Expanding Triangles
F Fail, Failure, Failed
FBLF Final Bull Flag is a trading range or triangle late is a bull trend, and a bull breakout has an increased chance of reversing back down into the trading range, or of starting a bear trend.
FBO Failed BreakOut
FBRF Final Bear Flag is a trading range or triangle late is a bear trend, and a bear breakout has an increased chance of reversing back up into the trading range, or of starting a bull trend.
FD Failed
FF Final Flag, usually a horizontal pattern after a trend. The breakout often fails and reverses
FFS Final Flags
FG Failing
FOMC Federal Open Market Committee meeting and announcement
FOMCD There is an FOMC announcement at 11 am PST today. Day traders should exit positions before the report and wait until at least 10 minutes after the report before trading again to allow for a trend to begin.
FRD For Rest of the Day
FS Fails or Failures
FT Follow Through
FTCL Failed Trend Channel Line
FTD Follow-Through Down, not bull bar, so lower prices likely
FTU Follow-Through Up, not bear bar, so higher prices likely
FWSR Today is Friday so weekly support and resistance can be important, especially in the final hour
G Gap
G2 A second entry on a gap setup
GB Gap Bar
GBS Gap Bars
GD Gap Down
GS Gaps
GT Gap Test
GU Gap Up
GUB Give Up Bar, breakout that often leads to a swing
GUD Give Up Bar Down so bulls giving up
GUU Give Up Bar Up so bears giving up
GX Globex Session
GXH Globex High
GXL Globex Low
GXR Globex Range
H High or High of Day
H1 One legged pullback in a bull move
H2 Two legged pullback in a bull move, but it can also be a 2nd reversal up from a selloff (variation of a double bottom)
H3 Three legged pullback in a bull move, which usually means a wedge bull flag or a wedge bottom
H4 High 4 bottom or bull flag, 4 legged bear channel, often consecutive High 2 pullbacks
HB2 Higher Probability to Wait for 2nd Buy signal or a strong bull breakout, like a couple consecutive big bull bars closing near their highs, else need wide stop and better if can scale in lower
HC Highest Close of the day or of swing up
HCMA Highest close is magnet above since Buy The Close bulls who bought that close could not avoid a loss and expect test of highest close
HD High of Day
HH Higher High
HHDT Higher High Double Top is a double top where the 2nd high is higher
HHMTR Higher High Major Trend Reversal
HHS Higher Highs
HL Higher Low
HLDB Higher Low Double Bottom is a double bottom where the 2nd low is higher
HLH High of the last 60 minute bar
HLM High of Last Month
HLMTR Higher Low Major Trend Reversal
HLS Higher Lows
HLW High of Last Week
HLY High of Last Year
HM High of Month
HOD High of the Day
HOLM High of Last Month
HOLW High of Last Week
HOO High of opening range
HOT High of Today so far
HOW High of Week
HOY High of Yesterday
HOYR High of Year
HP High Probability
HPW Higher Probability to Wait for a breakout or better setup or a 2nd buy or sell signal
HPW2B Higher Probability to Wait for 2nd Buy signal or a strong bull breakout, like a couple consecutive big bull bars closing near their highs
HPW2S Higher Probability to Wait for 2nd Sell signal or a strong bear breakout, like a couple consecutive big bear bars closing near their lows
HPWB2 Higher Probability to Wait for 2nd Buy signal or a strong bull breakout, like a couple consecutive big bull bars closing near their highs
HPWBB2 Higher Probability to Wait for 2nd Buy signal or a strong bull breakout, like a couple consecutive big bull bars closing near their highs
HPWBH2 Higher Probability to Wait to Buy High 2 or High 3 Pullback since at least small 2nd leg sideways to down likely
HPWBL Higher Probability to Wait to buy above Bull bar closing near its high
HPWBPB Higher Probability to Wait to Buy pullback than to continue to buy closes
HPWBR Higher Probability to Wait to sell below Bear bar closing near its low
HPWF Higher Probability to Wait for a breakout and Follow-through
HPWFT Higher Probability to Wait for a breakout and Follow-through
HPWS2 Higher Probability to Wait for 2nd Sell signal or a strong bear breakout, like a couple consecutive big bear bars closing near their lows
HPWSL2 Higher Probability to Wait to Sell Low 2 or Low 3 since at least small 2nd leg sideways to up likely
HPWSPB Higher Probability to Wait to Sell pullback (bounce) than to continue to sell closes
HPWSS Higher Probability if you can use a Wide Stop and Scale in, whether you swing or scalp
HPWSS2 Higher Probability to Wait for 2nd Sell signal or a strong bear breakout, like a couple consecutive big bear bars closing near their lows
HR Higher
HRP Higher Probability
HRTR Higher trading range in Trending Trading Range Day
HS Highs
HS2 Higher Probability to Wait for 2nd Sell signal or a strong bear breakout, like a couple consecutive big bear bars closing near their lows, else need wide stop and better if can scale in higher
HSB Head and Shoulders Bottom, a continuation pattern in both bull and bear markets that sometimes is a reversal pattern
HSBS Head and Shoulder Bottoms, continuation patterns in both bull and bear markets that sometimes are reversal patterns
HST Head and Shoulders Top, a bull continuation pattern in both bull and bear markets that sometimes is a reversal pattern
HSTS Head and Shoulder Tops, bull continuation patterns in both bull and bear markets that sometimes are reversal patterns
HTF Higher Time Frame, for example, a 60 min chart compared to a 5 min
HTFS Higher Time Frames, for example, a 60 min chart compared to a 5 min
HW High of Week
HWPFT Higher Probability to Wait for a breakout and Follow-through
HY High of Yesterday
IB Inside bar, the high of the bar is at or below the high of the prior bar and the low is at or above the low of the prior bar
ID Inside Day
ii Consecutive inside bars, Breakout Mode, so both buy and sell signal
iii Three inside bars in a row, Breakout Mode, so both buy and sell signal
ioi Outside bar surrounded by Inside bars
IOII Consecutive inside bars after an outside bar, Breakout Mode setup so both buy and sell signal bar
IR Initial Risk
L Low or Low of Day
L1 One legged PullBack in a bear move
L1=2 Leg 1 equals Leg 2 Measureed Move
L2 Two legged PullBack in a bear move, but it can also be a 2nd reversal down from a rally (variation of a double top)
L3 Three legged PullBack in a bear move, which usually means a wedge bear flag or a wedge top
L4 Low 4 top or bear flag, 4 legged bull channel, often consecutive Low 2 pullbacks
LBL Limit order Bull scalpers
LBLB Limit order Bulls will buy Below and scale in lower
LBLBB Limit order Bulls will buy Below and scale in lower
LBLM Limit order Bull scalpers have been making Money
LBLNM Limit order Bull scalpers have Not been making Money
LBR Limit order Bear scalpers
LBRA Limit order Bears will sell Above and scale in higher
LBRM Limit order Bear scalpers have been making Money
LBRNM Limit order Bear scalpers have Not been making Money
LBRSA Limit order Bears will sell Above and scale in higher
LC Lowest Close of the day or of swing down
LCMB Highest close is magnet above since Sell The Close bears who sold that close could not avoid a loss and expect test of lowest close
LD Low of Day
LDL Low of Limit Down move
LDM Today is the last day of the month. Therefore monthly support or resistance can be a magnet, especially in the last hour
LDW Today is the last day of the week. Therefore weekly support or resistance can be a magnet, especially in the last hour
LDY Today is the last day of the year. Therefore yearly support or resistance can be a magnet, especially in the last hour
LGB Ledge Bottom is 4 or more bars in tight trading range with the same low. 80% chance of breakout below and 80% chance of pullback above bottom of ledge.
LGT Ledge Top is 4 or more bars in tight trading range with the same high. 80% chance of breakout above and 80% chance of pullback below top.
LH Lower High
LHDT Lower High Double Top is a double top where the 2nd top is lower
LHMTR Lower High Major Trend Reversal
LHS Lower Highs
LHST Left shoulder of a Head and Shoulders Top
LIM limit order
LL Lower Low
LLD Locked Limit Down, trading is halted, currently for 15 minutes. This makes the bar numbering off by 2
LLDB Lower Low Double Bottom is a double bottom where the 2nd low is lower
LLH Low of the last 60 minute bar
LLM Low of Last Month
LLMTR Lower Low Major Trend Reversal
LLS Lower Lows
LLU Locked Limit Up, trading is halted, currently for 15 minutes. This makes the bar numbering off by 2
LLW Low of Last Week
LLY Low of last year
LM Low of Month
LOA Sell with Limit Order Above bars
LOB Buy with Limit Order Below bars
LOBL Limit Order Bulls, which means buys buying with limit orders, betting on a reversal up instead of a bear breakout
LOBLM Limit order Bull scalpers have been making Money
LOBLNM Limit order Bull scalpers have not been making Money
LOBR Limit Order Bears, which means bears selling with limit orders, betting on a reversal down instead of a bull breakout
LOBRM Limit order Bear scalpers have been making Money
LOBRNM Limit order Bear scalpers have not been making Money
LOD Low of the Day
LOLM Low of Last Month
LOLW Low of Last Week
LOM Limit Order Market so easier to make money with limit orders than with stop orders. Bears will probably sell above and many will scale in higher, and bulls will buy below and many will scale in lower. Both expect small moves and will mostly scalp.
LOME Limit Order Market until End of day
LOO Limit Order Open so early trading range likely
LOPTM Lots of Overlap and Prominent Tails so only Minor reversal likely
LOS Limit Order Scalpers
LOT Low of Today so far
LOY Low of Yesterday
LOYR Low of Year
LP Low Probability so swing only or wait
LPB Low Probability Buy, probably sellers above, and sideways more likely than up
LPS Low Probability Short, probably buyers below, and sideways more likely than down
LR Lower
LRB Lower risk to buy pullback or wait for Buy The Close and use stop about 1 point below prior bar
LRP Lower Probability
LRS Lower risk to sell pullback (a bounce) or wait for Sell The Close and use stop about 1 point above prior bar
LRTR Lower trading range in Trending Trading Range Day
LS Lows
LTR Lower Trading Range
LW Low of Week
LY Low of Yesterday
LYR Low of Last Year
MA Moving Average
MABL99.5 99.5% chance of at least 3 bars with low at least 1 tick below Moving Average at some point today
MABR99.5 99.5% chance of at least 3 bars with high at least 1 tick above Moving Average at some point today
MAG Moving Average Gap Bar
MAGB Moving Average Gap bar Buy signal, which means there is a gap between the high of the bar and the exponential moving average in a bull trend
MAGS Moving Average Gap bar Sell signal, which means there is a gap between the low of the bar and the exponential moving average in a bear trend
MBRS Major bear surprise, only 30% chance of bull trend reversal. Example: 20221129
MBLS Major bull surprise, only 30% chance of bear trend reversal.
MBO Minor Breakout, probably a scalp that lasts only 1-5 bars
MBOD Minor Breakout Down, probably a scalp that lasts only 1-5 bars
MBOU Minor Breakout Up, probably a scalp that lasts only 1-5 bars
MC Microchannel
MCH MicroChannel
MD Middle third of the day from 9:30 or 10 am PST to 11:30 often enters tight trading range and becomes Limit Order Market so failed breakouts are common
MDB Micro Double Bottom
MDBS Micro Double Bottoms
MDR Midday reversal is a reversal in the middle of the day, sometimes exactly at bar 40 or 41, and sometimes leads to opposite trend for rest of day
MDRD Midday reversal down is a bear trend reversal in the middle of the day, sometimes exactly at bar 40 or 41, and sometimes leads to bear trend for rest of day
MDRU Midday reversal up is a bull trend reversal in the middle of the day, sometimes exactly at bar 40 or 41, and sometimes leads to bull trend for rest of day
MDRV Midday reversal is a reversal in the middle of the day, sometimes exactly at bar 40 or 41, and sometimes leads to opposite trend for rest of day
MDRVD Midday reversal down is a bear trend reversal in the middle of the day, sometimes exactly at bar 40 or 41, and sometimes leads to bear trend for rest of day
MDRVU Midday reversal up is a bull trend reversal in the middle of the day, sometimes exactly at bar 40 or 41, and sometimes leads to bull trend for rest of day
MDT Micro Double Top
MDTS Micro Double Tops
MG Measuring Gap, a gap of any kind that can lead to a measured move (only certain in hindsight)
MGA Magnet Above
MGB Magnet Below
MGN Magnet
MGS Measuring Gaps, gaps of any kind that can lead to measured moves (only certain in hindsight)
MHL Major Higher Low
MIN Minimum or Minutes
MKT market
MLH Major Lower High
MM Measured Move
MMD Measured Move Down
MMS Measured Moves
MMT Measured Move Target
MMTA Measured Move Target or Targets Above
MMTB Measured Move Target or Targets Below
MMTG Measured Move Target
MMTGA Measured Move Target or Targets Above
MMTGB Measured Move Target or Targets Below
MMTS Measured Move Targets
MMU Measured Move Up
MMUD Measured Move Up or Down
MNHL Minor Higher Low
MNLH Minor Lower High
MJW Major wedge.
MNW Minor wedge.
MO momentum
MP Midpoint
MPD Midpoint of the days range is often a magnet, especially at the end of the day
MPM Midpoint of the months range is often a magnet at the end of the month
MPW Midpoint of the weeks range is often a magnet at the end of the week
MRD Minor Reversal Down so bull flag or bear leg in trading range more likely than bear trend
MRLD Most Recent Leg Down
MRLU Most Recent Leg Up
MRU Minor Reversal Up so bear flag or bull leg in trading range more likely than bull trend
MRV Minor Trend Reversal so trading range or pullback more likely than opposite trend
MRVD Minor Reversal Down so bull flag or bear leg in trading range more likely than bear trend
MRVU Minor Reversal Up so bear flag or bull leg in trading range more likely than bull trend
MTB Micro Triple Bottom
MTCL Micro Trend Channel Line
MTD Middle third of the day from 9:30 or 10 am PST to 11:30 often enters tight trading range and becomes Limit Order Market so failed breakouts are common
MTL Micro Trend Line
MTR Major Trend Reversal
MTRS Major Trend Reversals
MTT Micro Triple Top
MW MicroWedge, a wedge formed by only 3 - 4 bars
NDB Nested Double Bottom
NDT Nested Double Top
NEBM Not Enough Bars for Major Trend Reversal so Trading Range likely
NEBP Not Enough Buying Pressure
NESP Not Enough Selling Pressure
NFTD Bar after bear breakout is the follow through bar and if it is bear bar then lower prices likely, but if bull bar closing on its high, then possible failed breakout and bear trap
NFTU Bar after bull breakout is the follow through bar and if it is bull bar then higher prices likely, but if bear bar closing near its low, then possible failed breakout and bull trap
NG Negative Gap, pullback overlaps the breakout point but still can get measured move
NHEP Not High Enough Probability unless swing stop and scale in
NHP Not High Probability
NHSB Nested Head and Shoulders Bottom, right shoulder is smaller
NHST Nested Head and Shoulders Top, right shoulder is smaller
NL NeckLine
NPS Not high enough Probability for a Scalp using a stop entry because risk is too big compared to reward
NS Not high enough probability for a scalp, but reward can be big enough compared to risk to offset low probability so ok swing trade
NSBSB Need Strong Buy Signal Bar, which means a body that is more than 2 ticks and a close near the high of the bar
NSS Not high enough probability for Scalp, not enough time or room for Swing, better to wait
NSSSB Need Strong Sell Signal Bar, which means a body that is more than 2 ticks and a close near the low of the bar
NTS Not enough time to swing or to scale in with limit orders
NW Nested Wedge, 3rd leg is smaller wedge
NWS Need Wide Stop, which requires a smaller position size, or wait for a 2nd signal or a strong breakout. Experienced traders often scale in.
NWSS Need Wide Stop, which requires a smaller position size, or wait for a 2nd signal or a strong breakout. Experienced traders often scale in.
O Open
OB Outside bar, the high is at or above the high of the prior bar and the low is at or below the low
OBSS Okay Buy if Swing Stop
OBSSS Only Buy if Swing Stop and Scale in Lower
OBT Overbought
OD Outside down bar, which means its high is at or above the high of the prior bar and its low is at or below the low of the prior bar and its close is below the open
ODD Outside Down Day, which means a reversal down from above yesterdays high to below yesterdays low. Outside down day means strong bears[2].
ODM Outside Down Month, which means a reversal down from above last months high to below last months low
ODW Outside Down Week, which means a reversal down from above last weeks high to below last week low
OEL Ok for always In bulls to Exit Long and buy again above bull bar
OES Ok for always In bears to Exit Short and Sell again below bear bar
OK Okay
OL OverLap
OLB Overlapping Bars, when several bars are sideways and mostly overlap each other, there is a tight trading range and traders prefer to enter on pullbacks or with limit orders; those who enter with stops need wide protective stops and many will scale in
OLM Open of Last Month
OLW Open of Last Week
OLY Open of Last Year
OM Open of Month
OO Consecutive outside bars, Breakout Mode, so both Buy and Sell signal. In a bull trend, it can be top or bull flag. In a bear trend, it can be bottom or bear flag
OOD Open of Day
OODM Open Of Day in Middle 3rd of range, and it is magnet in trading range day
OOM Open of Month
OOO 3 consecutive outside bars, Breakout Mode. In a bull trend, may be a top if the 3rd bar is a bear bar or a bull flag if the 3rd bar is a bull bar. In a bear trend, it can be a bottom if the 3rd bar is a bull bar or a bear flag if the 3rd bars a bear bar.
OOT Open of Today
OOW Open of Week
OOY Open of Yesterday
ORD Opening Reversal Down
ORG Opening Range
ORU Opening Reversal Up
ORV Opening Reversal
ORVD Opening Reversal Down
ORVU Opening Reversal Up
OSC Oscillate, which means reverse several times around an important price
OSD Oversold
OSS Only Scalp if wide Stop and Scale in
OSSS Okay Sell if Swing Stop
OSSSS Only Sell if Swing Stop and Scale in Higher
OTM Out of the Money option strike price
OU Outside up bar, which means its high is at or above the high of the prior bar and its low is at or below the low of the prior bar and its close is above the open
OUD Outside Up Day, which means a reversal up from below yesterdays low to above yesterdays high
OUM Outside Up Month, which means a reversal up from below last months low to above last months high
OUW Outside Up Week, which means a reversal up from below last weeks low to above last weeks high
OW Open of Week
OY Open of Yesterday
P Probability
PA Price Action
PB Pullback
PBA Probably Buyers Above
PBB Probably Buyers Below
PBS Pullbacks
PBX Parabolic Buy Climax
PH Possible High of day or swing high, reasonable sell setup. Since it is a reversal trade, it is not high probability so it is a swing setup
PL Possible Low of day or swing low, reasonable buy setup. Since it is a reversal trade, it is not high probability so it is a swing setup
PMPST pm Pacific Standard Time
POSS Possibly or possible
PP Probably or probable
PPF Partial profit 部分获利。
PROB Probably or probable
PS Possibly or possible
PSA Probably Sellers Above
PSB Probably Sellers Below
PST Pacific Standard Time
PSX Parabolic Sell Climax
PT Profit Target
PTG Profit Taking
PTR Profit Taker
PTRS Profit Takers
PTS points
PW Parabolic Wedge
R1AR Reward 1 Times Actual Risk
R1IR Reward 1 Times Initial Risk
R1R Reward 1 Times Risk
R2AR Reward 2 Times Actual Risk
R2IR Reward 2 Times Initial Risk
R2R Reward 2 Times Risk
RB Reversal Bar
RBMGA Reasonable Buy signal so it is a Magnet. When there is a reasonable buy signal, bulls who buy lower usually get a test of first buy and make money on lower buy
RBS Reversal Bars
RBTC Reasonable to buy the close and it is a magnet because many bulls who bought will buy more lower, expecting to exit breakeven on 1st buy and with a profit on lower buy.
RD Reversal Day
RDU Reversal Down and Up after first bar so breakout mode
REV Reversal
REVD Reversal Down
REVDU Reversal or Reversals Down and Up
REVU Reversal Up
REVUD Reversal or Reversals Up and Down
RHST Right shoulder of a Head and Shoulders Top
RLOB Reasonable Limit Order Buy so its low is a magnet after any selloff
RLOS Reasonable Limit Order Sell so its high is a magnet after any rally
RN Round Number like 2110, 2120
RR Risk Reward, or Risk Reward Ratio, most easily thought of as the size of your stop compared to the size of your profit target
RRR Risk Reward Ratio
RS Resistance
RSA Resistance above
RSMGB Reasonable Sell signal so it is a Magnet. When there is a reasonable sell signal, bears who sell higher usually get a test of first sell and make money on higher sell
RSTC Reasonable to sell the close and it is a magnet because many bears who sold will sell more higher, expecting to exit breakeven on 1st sell and with a profit on higher sell.
RUD Reversal Up and Down after first bar so breakout mode
RV Reversal
RVD Reversal Down
RVDU Reversal or Reversals Down and Up
RVS Reversals
RVU Reversal Up
RVUD Reversal or Reversals Up and Down
S Sell or Short, depending on context
S2 Higher probability to wait for 2nd sell signal or a strong bear breakout, like a couple consecutive big bear bars closing near their lows, else need wide stop and better if can scale in higher
SA Sellers Above, or probably sellers at the high of the bar and scaling in higher
SABB Sellers Above, Buyers Below
SB Sellers Below or probably sellers at the low of the bar
SBD Surprise Bar or Bars Down, so probably will get at least small a 2nd leg sideways to down
SBDM Bear Major Surprise Bar or Bars is exceptionally strong selloff. It will usually prevent a bull trend, even if there is a new high. It will dominate the rest of the day and it increases the chance of sideways to down for the rest of the day
SBL Scale in Bulls
SBLB Strong Bull Bar, which means big bull body and close near high
SBLBO Small Bull Breakout, at least small second leg up is likely after 1-3 bar pullback, which are attempts to reverse down
SBLBOF Small Bull Breakout might fail since follow-through bar is bear bar closing near its low, so possible bull trap and reversal down
SBLM Stop order Bulls making Money in bear leg so sideways to up soon
SBNS Ok Swing Buy, but Not high enough probability for a Scalp
SBO2 Small breakout of a small breakout
SBR Scale in Bears
SBRB Strong Bear Bar, which means big bear body and close near low
SBRBO Small Bear Breakout, at least small second leg down is likely after 1-3 bar pullback (bounce). The bounce is attempt to reverse up
SBRBOF Small Bear Breakout might fail since follow-through bar is bull bar closing near its high so possible bear trap and reversal up
SBRM Stop order Bears making Money in bull leg so sideways to down soon
SBS Signal Bars
SBU Surprise Bar or Bars Up, so probably will get at least a small 2nd leg sideways to up
SBUM Bull Major Surprise Bar or Bars is exceptionally strong rally. It will usually prevent a bear trend, even if there is a new low. It will dominate the rest of the day and it increases the chance of sideways to up for the rest of the day, for e.g. 20221117
SC Spike and Channel, bull or bear
SCB Spike and Channel Bottom
SCBL Spike and Channel Bull Trend
SCBLT Spike and Channel Bull Trend
SCBR Spike and Channel Bear Trend
SCBRT Spike and Channel Bear Trend
SCD Spike and Channel Down
SCS Swing stop, but scale in, then scalp or swing
SCT Spike and Channel Top
SCU Spike and Channel Up
SCX Spike and climax type of spike and channel
SD Sideways to Down
SG Selling
SGD Small Gap Down usually closes in 1st hour
SGP Selling Pressure
SGU Small Gap Up usually closes in 1st hour
SH Swing High
SHORTDAY I will stop talking and typing at 9 am today, but I will return at 1 pm for a summary and questions
SHS Swing Highs
S2LU At least small second leg up. 大概率至少有向上的第二小腿。
S2LD At least small second leg down. 大概率至少有向下的第二小腿。
SL Swing Low
SLS Swing Lows
SMD Small Day
SOBL Stop Order Bulls, which means bulls buying with stop orders
SOBLM Stop Order Bulls making Money
SOBLNM Stop Order Bulls Not making Money
SOBLP Stop Order Buy is Low Probability
SOBR Stop Order Bears, which means bears selling with stop order
SOBRM Stop Order Bears making Money
SOBRNM Stop Order Bears Not making Money
SOLP Entering with Stop Orders is Low Probability so only enter if swing trading
SOSLP Stop Order Sell is Low Probability
SP Support
SPB Small Pullback or Support Below, depending on context
SPBL Small PullBack Bull trend
SPBLT Small PullBack Bull trend
SPBR Small PullBack Bear trend
SPBRT Small PullBack Bear trend
SPBTD Small PullBack Trend Day
SPWCHD Spike and parabolic wedge down so probably bounce soon
SPWCHU Spike and parabolic wedge up so probably PB soon
SPWD Spike and parabolic wedge down so probably bounce soon
SPWU Spike and parabolic wedge up so probably PB soon
SR Support and/or Resistance, depending on context
SRB Probably sellers below
SRS Sellers
SS Shrinking Stairs
SS2 Better to wait for a 2nd sell signal or for a strong bear breakout, which means 2 or 3 bear bars closing near their lows; or, need wide stop and better if can scale in.
SSB Sell Signal Bar
SSBD Sell Signal Bar on Daily chart
SSBM Sell Signal Bar on Monthly chart
SSBW Sell Signal Bar on Weekly chart
SSNS Ok Swing Sell, but Not high enough probability for a Scalp
SSS Swing Stop even if Scalping
STC Sell The Close bear trend so traders will sell the close of bear bar closing near its low or sell below bear bar that closes near its low
STCBR Sell The Close Bears
STCE Sell the Close selloff until the End of day
STE Strong Traders Equation
STF Shorter Time Frame, for example, a 1 min chart compared to a 5 min
STFS Shorter Time Frames, for example, a 1 min chart compared to a 5 min
STL Sell The Low bear trend is a series of bear bars closing near their lows, and bears will sell with a stop 1 tick below the low of the prior bar, and exit above a bull bar closing above its midpoint or 1 - 2 points above any bar
SU Sideways to Up
SV Sell Vacuum test of support
SVT Sell Vacuum test of support
SW SideWays
SWD SideWays more likely than Down
SWSS Only S if using a Wide Stop, and better if can scale in higher
SWU SideWays more likely than Up
SX Sell Climax, one or more big bear bars closing near their lows
SXH Sell Climax High, high of sell climax bar or bars
SXL Sell Climax Low, Low of sell climax bar or bars
SXS Sell Climaxes
SZ Sell Zone, an area where traders will look to sell
T Today or Tick (e.g., 5t = 5 tick move) depending on context
T1 1st Trend
T1B Trend from the first bar or so of the day
T1BD Trend From The Open Bear Trend
T1BL Trend From The Open Bull Trend
T1BR Trend From The Open Bear Trend
T1BU Trend From The Open Bull Trend
T2 2nd Trend
T3 3rd Trend
TB Trend Bar
TBL Trapped bulls, they will have to sell to minimize their loss, increasing chance of lower prices
TBLB Tick Bull Body
TBLC Tight Bull Channel
TBLCH Tight Bull Channel
TBR Trapped bears, they will have to buy to minimize their loss, increasing chance of higher prices
TBRB Tick Bear Body
TBRC Tight Bear Channel
TBRCH Tight Bear Channel
TBS Trend Bars
TBTL approximately Ten Bar correction with at least Two Legs
TBTLSD Ten Bars and Two Legs Sideways to Down
TBTLSU Ten Bars and Two Legs Sideways to Up
TC Tight Channel
TCBL Trending Bull Closes, every close at or above close of prior bar so higher prices likely
TCBR Trending Bear Closes, every close at or below close of prior bar so lower prices likely
TCH Tight Channel
TCHD Tight bear channel
TCHU Tight bull channel
TCL Trend Channel Line
TCLR Trend Channel Line overshoot and reversal
TCLS Trend Channel Lines
TCOL Tight channel but lots of overlapping bars, reversals, and prominent tails so more limit order trading, despite trend
TD Trend Day or Days
TDDIV Tick Double Divergence on one minute chart
TDIV Tick Divergence on one minute chart
TE Traders Equation (need chance of success times the reward greater than chance of loss times the risk)
TF Time Frame
TFB Too Few Bars for major trend reversal so probably minor reversal
TFS Time Frames
TFWSR Today is Friday so weekly support and resistance can be important, especially in the final hour
TG Target
TGA Target Above
TGB Target Below
TGS Targets
TGT Target
TGTA Target Above
TGTB Target Below
TGTS Targets
TL Trendline
TLOS Trend Tine OverShoot and reversal
TLS Trendlines
TM Tomorrow
TMBP Too Much Buying Pressure
TMSP Too Much Selling Pressure
TNTR Trending Trading Range[3]
TOD Time of Day
TR Trading Range
TRB Target above since it was a reasonable Buy
TRD Trading Range Day
TRDS Trading Range Days
TRE Trend Resumption
TRES Trend Resumption
TRESD Trend Resumption Down
TRESU Trend Resumption Up
TREV Trend Reversal
TREVD Trend Reversal Down
TREVU Trend Reversal Up
TRI Triangle means trading range with 5 or more reversals with either 2 higher lows and 1 lower high or 1 higher low and 2 lower highs. 50% chance breakout up or down, and 50% chance 1st breakout fails, Breakout Mode
TRIE Expanding triangle means 5 or more reversals in a trading range with either 2 higher highs and 1 lower low or 1 lower high and 2 lower lows
TRIO Triangle Open
TRL Trading Range Likely
TRO Trading Range Open so mostly a limit order market and Breakout Mode. The bulls will look for a double bottom or wedge bottom and then a swing up. The bears want a double top or wedge top and then a swing down
TRPA Trading Range Price Action, which means lots of reversals, prominent tails, and limit order entries
TRS Trading Ranges
TRSD Trend Resumption Down
TRSU Trend Resumption Up
TRSV Trend Resumption or Trend Reversal
TRTR Tight Trading Range, BreakOut will probably lead to either trend resumption or trend reversal
TRVD Trend Reversal Down
TRVU Trend Reversal Up
TS TradeStation
TSC Today is a short chat day, with me stopping talking and typing at 9 am Pacific Time, and resuming with my end of the day talk at 1 pm
TST Two-Sided Trading
TT Triple Top
TTR Tight Trading Range, limit order market, bad for scalping with stop orders. Most traders should wait. Usually the bars are small and tends to reverse every 2 or 3 bars, but sometime the bars can be big, however if they still reverse every 2 or 3 bars, bad for stop entry traders, making it essentially still TTR, for e.g. the TR open on 20221115. 窄幅震荡。
TTRD Trending Trading Range Day
TTRDS Trending Trading Range Days
TTRL Tight Trading Range, limit order market, bulls scaling in below and bears above
TTRLP Tight Trading Range and therefore buying with a stop above or selling with a stop below is a Lower Pprobability trade. There might be more sellers above and buyers below, leading to a continuation of the tight trading range
TTRNS Tight Trading Range, limit order market, bad for scalping with stop entries unless using swing stop
TTRTE Tight Trading Range Trumps Everything
TTS Too Tight to Scalp, even with limit orders
TW Truncated Wedge
TWB Truncated Wedge Bottom, third leg down did not fall below second
TWD Truncated Wedge Down, third leg down did not fall below second
TWT Truncated Wedge top, third leg up did not go above second
TWU Truncated Wedge Up, third leg up did not go above second
TY 10 Year U.S. Treasury Notes Futures
UD Up and or Down
UTR Upper Trading Range
VOL Volume
VTR Vacuum Test of Resistance
VTS Vacuum Test of Support
VTTR Very Tight Trading Range so difficult to make money even with limit orders. Most traders should wait.
W Wedge or anything similar, like any 3 push pattern
W2 Wedge2, Wedge 2nd entry or a Failed Failed Wedge
WB Wedge Bottom
WB2 Wait for breakout or second entry
WBLF Wedge Bull Flag
WBRF Wedge Bear Flag
WFB Okay swing but higher probability if Wait For Breakout
WFT Better to wait for tomorrow
WGB Wedge Bottom
WGT Wedge Top
WS Wedges or anything similar, like any 3 push patterns
WSS Only take the trade if you can use a Wide Stop, and higher probability if can trade small and Scale in
WT Wedge Top
WTB Better to Wait to Buy
WTE Weak Traders Equation
WTS Better to Wait to Sell
X Climax
XS Climaxes
Y Yesterday
Y2 High of Yesterday or Low 2nd Entry
YBX Yesterday ended with a buy climax so only 25% chance of strong bull trend today, but 50% chance of follow-through buying in 1st 2 hours. Then, 75% chance of at least 2 hours of sideways to down trading that starts by the end of the 2nd hour
YSX Yesterday ended with a sell climax so only 25% chance of strong bear trend today, but 50% chance of follow-through selling in 1st 2 hours. Then, 75% chance of at least 2 hours of sideways to up trading that starts by the end of the 2nd hour
YTRD Yesterday was a trading range day and today is opening within range of yesterday, increasing the chance of more trading range trading today.
  1. this is not Al term.
  2. 20221101 in Al's review chart.
  3. added on 11-14-2022