10种最常用的BPA价格行为形态之 —— Breakouts

来自BPAX Lab

突破(Breakout,BO)什么呢? 可以是任何支撑或阻力,但这并不重要,因为每根趋势棒都可以说是对某个位置的突破,即使只是从前一根K线的高点或低点。随着经验的积累,交易者会逐渐看清市场真正在突破什么。

Breakout of what? Of any support or resistance. It does not matter. Every trend bar is a breakout of something, if only the high or low of the prior bar. With experience, traders begin to see what is truly being broken out.


The most common things are trading ranges, pullbacks, prior highs and lows, trend lines, channels, and moving averages. Sometimes traders need to switch to a higher time frame to see the breakout.


Among the 10 best price action trading patterns, breakouts are my favorite because I like high probability trades.



A breakout is simply a trend bar up or down. A breakout always closes beyond at least minor support or resistance. The bigger the bar and the more important the support or resistance, the more likely the trend will continue at least a little longer.