来自BPAX Lab
Laowu讨论 | 贡献2024年2月1日 (四) 16:49的版本

BPAX's tagging system builds upon the BPA abbreviation system, using a naming convention similar to the suffixes of equipment in games like Diablo II. For example, in Diablo II, the armor of the Jewelcrafter of the Balance is shown in the right image. The equipment in the image has two suffixes, each with its own unique attributes:

Prefix and Suffix in Diablo II game

BPA技术百科在BPA缩写系统的基础上,使用类似Diablo (暗黑破坏神) 游戏中装备的词缀(suffix)命名方式对其进行进一步整理和扩展。例如,在暗黑破坏神2中,平衡珠宝匠的执政官之铠如右图所示。图中装备有两个词缀,每个词缀都有其特有的属性:

  • 平衡:10%再度快速攻击
  • 珠宝匠:4凹槽

BPA技术百科对各种架构(pattern)对应缩写的命名遵循类似原则,词缀形容词或者副词是为了修饰前面的pattern。The suffix after "-" is used to describe the pattern before the "-", for e.g:

  • by Size: -S, -L, -XL. Example:
    • BLBCL-XL. XL(extra large) BLBCH(bull bar close on its high).
  • by Shape: -WT, -WB, -DT, -DB. Example:
  • by Success or Failure: <none>, -F. Example:
    • MTR-HL. Successful MTR with a higher low (HL).
    • MTR-HL-F. Failed MTR with a higher low.
  • by Others: ATH. Example:
    • BX-ATH. BX into ATH (all time high).

For two different patterns but "connected", i.e. pattern comes one after another, here is an example:

  • SXFO TR BRT. This means there is SX from the open (SXFO), then Trading Range (TR), then Bear Trend (BRT) resumption, like 20230815.