出自BPAX Lab
於 2023年9月28日 (四) 10:01 由 Laowu留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂

SX from the open. Climax so unlikely to last all day, expect 2 hours trading range, or trend reversal up (look for two legs up)[1]. If later there is a strong reversal up from the big SXFO, it often lasts all day but usually will not go far above the earlier high, example: 20230502. Also, when there are consecutive SX from the open, it usually is a PWTFO, and when there is a PWT from the open, traders should be prepared for ORVU. See also BXFO.


此分類包含以下 8 個子分類,共 8 個。



  • PWB-O(1 個分類、​5 個頁面)