
来自BPAX Lab
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test page 12345
<blockquote>“The air is heavy around us. The world is stifled by a thick and vitiated atmosphere — an undignified materialism which weighs on the mind and heart hindering the work of governments and individuals alike. We are being suffocated. Let us throw open the windows that God’s free air may come in, and that we may breathe the breath of heroes.
Life is stern. It is a daily battle for those not content with an unattractive mediocrity of soul. And a sad battle it is, too, for many — a combat without grandeur, without happiness, fought in solitude and silence. Weighed down by poverty and domestic cares, by excessive and senseless tasks which waste the strength to no purpose, without a gleam of hope, many souls are separated from each other, without even the consolation of holding out a hand to their brothers in misfortune who ignore them and are ignored by them. They are forced to rely on themselves alone; and there are moments when even the strongest give way under their burden of trouble. They call out — for a friend.”
'''摘录来自Romain Rolland贝多芬传'''</blockquote><blockquote>「我们周围的空气多沉重。老大的欧罗巴在重浊与腐败的气氛中昏迷不醒。鄙俗的物质主义镇压着思想,阻挠着政府与个人的行动。社会在乖巧卑下的自私自利中窒息以死。人类喘不过气来。——打开窗子罢!让自由的空气重新进来!呼吸一下英雄们的气息。

2023年3月28日 (二) 23:49的版本

“The air is heavy around us. The world is stifled by a thick and vitiated atmosphere — an undignified materialism which weighs on the mind and heart hindering the work of governments and individuals alike. We are being suffocated. Let us throw open the windows that God’s free air may come in, and that we may breathe the breath of heroes.

Life is stern. It is a daily battle for those not content with an unattractive mediocrity of soul. And a sad battle it is, too, for many — a combat without grandeur, without happiness, fought in solitude and silence. Weighed down by poverty and domestic cares, by excessive and senseless tasks which waste the strength to no purpose, without a gleam of hope, many souls are separated from each other, without even the consolation of holding out a hand to their brothers in misfortune who ignore them and are ignored by them. They are forced to rely on themselves alone; and there are moments when even the strongest give way under their burden of trouble. They call out — for a friend.”

摘录来自Romain Rolland贝多芬传





