

增加 35 位元組 、​ 2022年12月15日 (星期四)
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Just like in a successful bull trend reversal (MTR) (the probability of a swing up is usually about 40%), the general goal is 10 bars 2 legs, which means a swing that has at least Ten Bars and Two Legs (TBTL)<ref>''https://www.brookstradingcourse.com/price-action/10-best-price-action-trading-patterns/''</ref>, it is also important to be aware that, '''even if the bull reversal fails, there is still the reversal tendency that bulls will try for 10 bars 2 legs''', for e.g. on [[20221213]] during bar 15 to bar 26, it is a TTR at EMA but at the same time it is also a 10 bars two legged correction (though not clear), i.e. an attempt by bulls to reverse the selloff. Another way to look at it is, after a sell climax, there will be profit taking at major support, which also contributes to the correction, or possible reversal if both bulls and bears are on agreement.
Just like in a successful bull trend reversal (MTR) (the probability of a swing up is usually about 40%), the general goal is 10 bars 2 legs, which means a swing that has at least Ten Bars and Two Legs (TBTL)<ref>''https://www.brookstradingcourse.com/price-action/10-best-price-action-trading-patterns/''</ref>, it is also important to be aware that, '''even if the bull reversal fails, there is still the reversal tendency that bulls will try for 10 bars 2 legs''', for e.g. on [[20221213]] during bar 15 to bar 26, it is a TTR at EMA but at the same time it is also a 10 bars two legged correction (though not clear), i.e. an attempt by bulls to reverse the selloff. Another way to look at it is, after a sell climax, there will be profit taking at major support, which also contributes to the correction, or possible reversal if both bulls and bears are on agreement.
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