
来自BPAX Lab
Keep out! (Image by Carpet)

Tight trading range, sometime called barbwire (BW). LOM, bad for scalping with stop orders, most traders should wait.

  • Also be aware that TTR late in trend can be possible FF, especially when the TTR is oscillating around EMA or not far from EMA, indicating EMA being strong magnet, example: 20230216.
  • Usually if the bars are small and tends to reverse every 2 or 3 bars, and last more than 10 bars, i.e. market is taking longer time than a TBTL correction to consolidate, it can be considered in TTR. Note that sometime the bars can be big, however if they still reverse every 2 or 3 bars, the behavior is essentially still TTR, for e.g. the TR open on 20221115.

Exceptions[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

TTR in Strong Trend[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

One exception to trading TTR is entering on shallow pullbacks in a very strong trend, for e.g. a SPBLT.

Surprisingly Big Breakout from TTR[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Another exception is when the breakout from the TTR is especially strong, it will act as more of MBLS or MBRS than a FBO, traders should expect a MMD at least the size of the initial TTR. For e.g. the BRBO of TTR at bar 11 on 20231121, market went for a MMD based on the size of initial TTR.


