
来自BPAX Lab

Breakout Test, which is a pullback testing the breakout point, and traders are deciding if the breakout will succeed or fail.

BOT bar(s) need to be strong[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

It is better if the BOT bar is a strong trend bar. Sometime, if the BOT bar is weak, traders need good FT for confirmation. For e.g. the BOT bar b31 on 20231024 below has prominent tail at bottom, but b32 and b33 are 2 more consecutive bear bars at MA, especially b33 closed around its low which created a good looking BRBCOL on 15mins chart. This indicates good SP. Also, in the down move from b17 on this day, many bars were bull bars before close of the bar, but bears were able to "force" them into bear bars in last minute, this is also a good sign of SP.

BOT with gap is strength[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

If the pullback failed to reach the BO point and reversed strongly (see bar 14 and 35 on 20231023 below for bull case example), especially reversed from MSR, the result is a gap and more likely the BO is successful for a measured move (MM).

BOT at MA is strength[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

"When a BOT happens to have its low exactly(or not too far) at the EMA, its a very good sign to add on a bit more if the bar is not too large"[1], e.g. 20110105 b19.

2011-01-05 5m.png