
来自BPAX Lab

The first reversal of the day, a type of ORV. 1Rev is the first Reversal setup on the day and it usually means there is already a trend (including a BGU or BGD) on the day.

Bear case: BGU then 1BRBCL[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

When there is a BGU (larger than a recent day) and the first bar forms a strong reversal bar trying to reverse the gap, it can be considered a 1REV. When there is some doubt as to whether a reversal bar is worth taking, it sometimes helps to see the first five bars of a 1 minute chart. If the 1st five 1 mins bar forms a TBRC or BRMC, it is sign of strong SP, then it is much more worth taking the 1REV below bar 1 than the case if the first five 1 mins bars are form a TR or BBRCH. See more here.

After Initial climactic move[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The simplest to read kind of first reversal is[1][2]:

  • a trend move from open consisting entirely of trend bars that penetrates a MSR such as LOY, HOY, COY or EMA (20120315 was both C of prior and EMA) [3]
    An ideal 1REV
  • a good reversal signal. If the reversal signal is weak (for example, it has a large entry side tail or is a bar of the wrong color), it is likely to take out the low and try a second time.

Such a 1REV is often the low of the day and will close near its high so its a good candidate for a day long swing. In practice, if you get a very sharp move (for e.g. b31-35 on 20120315) that looks like an overshoot and gives a decent profit, its a good practice to take some or all off and wait for more price action.

  1. or the ideal 1REV setup
  3. this initial strong move indicates some kind of vacuum test or exhaustive move.

