
出自BPAX Lab
於 2023年3月18日 (六) 20:45 由 Tham Yang Chee (Yctham)留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂

Huge gap down. 巨大開低缺口

General about HG[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Huge gap. Generally, a BG is a gap that is around 50% - 100% of ADR5, a HG is a gap that is much bigger than 100% of ADR5.

Facts[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • A BG increase the odds of a trend, while a HG increase the odds of TR.
  • According to Ali, there is 85% chance the day will be TRD after a HG[1].
  • According to Al Brooks, TR after a BGU or HGU has 60% chance of bullish bias, i.e. a BBLCH, vice versa[2].
  1. source?
  2. 20230329


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