YBX, then TTR at the open. TTR after climax has 50% chance of MTR. Can sell before the BRBO, small risk and big reward, but low probability. For higher probability, sell after BRBO and FT, and take swing profit on reversal up from SX. Example 20230809.
Tight Trading Range, limit order market, bad for scalping with stop orders. Most traders should wait. Usually the bars are small and tends to reverse every 2 or 3 bars, but sometime the bars can be big, however if they still reverse every 2 or 3 bars, bad for stop entry traders, making it essentially still TTR, for e.g. the TR open on 20221115.. 窄幅震荡。 ➟ More about TTR
Major Trend Reversal. ➟ More about MTR
Follow Through. ➟ More about FT
Sell Climax, one or more big bear bars closing near their lows. ➟ More about SX