

I don’t have any specific rules, but in general, sometimes you’ll hear me say 「just trade stupid.」 You just turn your brain off, take the trade, use the appropriate stop even though it’s far away, and then just sit there, hoping that the market’s going to go your way.


Anywhere on the way down here, especially once we’ve broken above the bull Micro Channel – a 「trade stupid」 type of trade would be just buy the market, put a stop below the low of the day, go to Walmart. I have a limit order to get out at the open of the day so your reward is about the same as your risk, but the probability is 60% that you’ll make your money before you get your stop hit.

比如一旦我們發現市場的價格突破了bull micro channel,「阿甘式交易」就是在這下方買入[4],並將你的止損放在bull micro channel最低點下方,然後你可以去超市走一趟或者隨便做些什麼事情都可以。我會在低點的下方[5]用一個賣出限價單來平倉[6],確保我的回報與風險大致相同,但是有60%的概率在市場價格觸發我的止損單之前市場價格先達到我的止盈。

And when I say trade stupid, I mean don’t overthink and don’t look at too many things. Don’t go flipping around different timeframes, different markets – NASDAQ, SPYDR, JP Morgan, Apple. Just look at the chart in front of you and don’t worry about all the things that you’re not seeing.


Even though I might see 50 reasonable scalps on a typical chart like this, if I really wanted to, I could flip around to different timeframes. I could have a giant monitor with a 1-minute chart, 2-minute chart, 3-minute, 4, 5-minute, 10, 15-minute chart. Then you could have tick charts. 1000 ticks, 2500 ticks, 5000 ticks. Volume charts. I could have range charts. I could have 15 different ways of looking at the Emini. Instead of having 50 setups a day, I could probably see 100, 200 setups a day, even though there are only 81 bars on the Emini.

即使我在典型的圖表上[7]發現50個可以合理執行的交易計劃,但如果我真的想的話,我可以翻轉到不同的時間框架去找到更多的交易計劃。我可以有一個巨大的顯示器,上面有1分鐘圖表、2分鐘圖表、3分鐘、4分鐘、5分鐘、10分鐘、15分鐘圖表。然後你可以有點數圖表。1000個點、2500個點、5000個點。還有成交量圖表和範圍圖表。我可以用15種不同的方式來看待Emini。儘管 Emini 每天在常規交易時間[8]的5min圖表上只有81根K線,但我每天可以看到大約100或者200個的交易機會。

To me, trading stupid is just looking at one chart and not worrying about anything else. Just try to look for the setups here and then try to figure out if I can structure a trade that makes sense mathematically. Will the trader’s equation be good? You’ve got to deal with risk, reward, and probability. Is the probability that you’re going to make money times your reward greater than the probability that you’re going to lose money times your risk?


I know I’m not really answering your question, but when I say trade stupid, I simply mean don’t overthink. You see where the buy is, you see where the stop is, you know where you’re thinking the target is. Just take the trade, and if you find yourself micromanaging it and exiting early, especially exiting early with a loss, take the trade, put in your stop, put in your profit-taking order, OCO (one cancels the other), and go out and do an errand and come back in 30 minutes or an hour or so.



1. 源自於《阿甘正傳》(英語:Forrest Gump),一套1994年的美國電影。主角阿甘童年時被診斷出智商只有75,但在他的堅持下完成了許多人一輩子都做不到的事。Al Brooks 藉此來比喻:即使我們的交易只做最簡單的事情,只看一個時間級別,不做過度思考,堅持下去,我們也能成功。

譯自:Brooks Trading Course

  1. 就像對交易區間的定義一樣,對阿甘式交易保持着廣義的概念我覺得並無問題,因為每一個人都會擁有屬於自己的交易模式? Charles
  2. 你需要利用你可靠的知識,做一個清晰嚴謹的計劃,然後去執行這筆交易 Charles
  3. 止損的風險固定,統一。例如:假若在一段強趨勢當中,你的入場位置距離趨勢出發點較遠,你只需要使用較小的倉位,風險也會和你的其他計劃的風險統一,你也不會錯過這段強趨勢行情 Charles
  4. 此處的理解應該是在突破通道時買入或者在回調h1下方買入 Charles
  5. 就是止損訂單 Charles
  6. 原文的意思應該是在低點下方設置止損訂單,防止下一根K線為空頭陰線導致通道失敗,這樣我們可以迅速退出市場 Charles
  7. 這裏應該是指常規的交易圖表,交易者需要了解自身適合什麼時間框架下的圖表交易 Charles
  8. 美國從每年3月第二個星期日到11月第一個星期六採用夏令時,這段時間其交易時間為北京時間晚21:30-次日凌晨4:15。'而在11月初到3月初,採用冬令時,則交易時間為北京時間晚22:30-次日凌晨5:15 Charles