
来自BPAX Lab
Laowu讨论 | 贡献2023年8月11日 (五) 18:46的版本

Yesterday ended with a sell climax.

  • Expect 75% chance of trading range day, with a couple of hours of sideways to up trading starting by the end of 2nd hour(i.e. profit taking). This means if the selling continues from the open, looking to buy early reversal up will be a reasonable choice.
  • 50% chance of follow through selling on the open within 1st or 2 hours.
  • Only 25% chance of another strong bear trend day. (But do not overlook it, 25% is not a small probability to be ignored)
    • Even when there is a 2nd strong trend day, there is a 90% chance that there will be a pullback above the low of 2nd hour
  • Only 10% chance of strong bull reversal day

See also YBX.




